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Articles tagged with: ‘biomimicry‘

Bionics| Tech»

Spider hairs biomimicry for hydrophobic surfaces

By Damir Beciri
28 February 2010

spider-hairs-biomimicryAlthough we already wrote about lotus biomimicry for water-repelling surfaces, in this article we’re going to write about a surface with similar properties. Engineering researchers have created what they say is a “nearly perfect hydrophobic interface” by mimicking spiders. By using plastic to reproduce the shape and patterns of the minute hairs that grow on… »

Bionics| Robotics»

Biomimicry of fish lateral line for future robots and submarines

By Rob Aid
14 February 2010

fish-neuromastThe lateral line is a hydrodynamic imaging system found in fish and aquatic amphibians enables them to accomplish a variety of underwater activities such as localization of moving prey or predators, detection of stationary objects, schooling without colliding and social communication. It consists of numerous hair cell sensors called neuromasts which are distributed all over… »

Bionics| Tech»

Biomimicry of iron-plated snail could lead to better armor

By Damir Beciri
One Comment27 January 2010

tech-snail-shellTiny snails sitting on the ocean floor might seem defenseless against a large, determined predator such as a crab. But evolution has provided one species of sea snail with a unique iron-plated armored shell that resists such attacks. The snail has evolved a tri-layered shell structure consisting of an outer layer embedded with iron sulfide… »

Bionics| Robotics»

SCRATCHbot robot mimics rats and navigates with whiskers

By Damir Beciri
One Comment16 January 2010

scratchbotAfter their work on Whiskerbot, a group of researchers from the University of Sheffield and the Bristol Robotics Lab has created the SCRATCHBot (Spatial Cognition and Representation through Active TouCh), which uses its plastic whiskers in a sweeping back and forth motion to find its way round, much like a real rat. Many rodents have… »

Bionics| Lists»

Top 5 articles regarding biomimicry of flora and fauna in 2009

By Rob Aid
3 Comments2 January 2010

top-5-articles-regarding-biomimicry-robaidOne of the major themes our website covers is bionics. Bionics (also known as biomimetics, bio-inspiration, biognosis, biomimicry, or bionical creativity engineering) is the application of biological methods and systems found in nature to the study and design of engineering systems and modern technology. Some dictionaries, however, explain the word as being formed from biology… »

Bionics| Robotics»

For a fast walking robot combine a guinea hen with a cockroach

By Damir Beciri
One Comment28 December 2009

cockroach-and-guinea-henAfter writing about biomimicry of penguins, sharks, butterflies and bats, we’re going to write about cockroach biomimicry. Although the sight of a crawling cockroach dashing for cover may be repulsive, the insect is also a biological and engineering marvel. Cockroaches and guinea hens serve as bioinspiration to the researchers at Oregon State University where they… »


Mantis shrimp eyes could inspire new optical device development

By Damir Beciri
25 October 2009

mantis-shrimpThe mantis shrimps found on the Great Barrier Reef in Australia and have the most complex vision systems known to science. They can see in twelve colors (humans see in only three) and can distinguish between different forms of polarized light. The research of the sea shrimp’s remarkable eye, that could inspire a new generation… »

Bionics| Robotics»

Biomimicry of bees and the insect’s hive behavior – RoboBees

By Damir Beciri
2 Comments22 October 2009

robobee2From flies to fish to lobsters, small insects and animals have long been ideal models for robotic and computer scientists. Bees, for example, possess unmatched elegance in flight, zipping from flower to flower with ease and hovering stably with heavy payloads. A multidisciplinary team of computer scientists, engineers, and biologists at Harvard received a 10… »