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Articles tagged with: ‘penn state university‘


Zinc Selenide optical fibers capable to transfer infrared light

By Rob Aid
16 March 2011

zinc-selenide-optical-fiber-badding-figure-1A team of researchers at Penn State University (PSU) has developed the very first optical fiber made with a core of Zinc Selenide (ZnSe) – a light-yellow compound that can be used as a semiconductor. The new class of optical fiber, which allows for a more effective and liberal manipulation of light, promises to open… »


Mimosa biomimicry inspires new adaptive structures

By Rob Aid
2 Comments20 February 2011

mimosa-pudicaResearchers at University of Michigan (U-M) and Penn State University are studying how plants like the Mimosa can change shape, and they’re working to replicate the mechanisms with artificial cells. Currently, their artificial cells are palm-size and larger, but they’re trying to minify them by using microstructures and nanofibers to construct them. They’re also exploring… »