Home » soft-bodied robot

Articles tagged with: ‘soft-bodied robot‘

Bionics| Robotics»

Harvard soft-bodied robots inspired by squid and starfish

By Damir Beciri
15 December 2011

soft-robotA research team from Harvard University developed an array of “soft” robots inspired by natural forms, such as squid and starfish, which are capable to perform very delicate operations or move where rigid robots might not. These abilities enable the robots to pick up a raw egg without breaking the shell, or aid in search… »

Bionics| Robotics»

GoQBot soft-bodied robot inspired by caterpillars

By Damir Beciri
27 April 2011

goqbotDespite their extreme flexibility and adaptability, current soft-bodied robots are often limited by their slow speed. Inspired by the ability of some caterpillars to rapidly curl themselves into a wheel and propel themselves away from predators, a team of researchers from the Tufts University, Massachusetts, have developed GoQBot – a soft-bodied robot with a similar… »