Home » tangible user interfaces

Articles tagged with: ‘tangible user interfaces‘


Sifteo cubes combine digital and tangible entertainment into one

By Damir Beciri
11 January 2011

sifteo-cubesA while ago, we wrote about Siftables – a different approach used for information interaction which allows physical and natural way to interact with information. David Merrill and Jeevan Kalanithi, the folks that initially made the prototype while they were students at the human-computer interaction at the MIT Media Lab, co-founded Sifteo Inc. and presented… »


Where art and technology meet – ferrofluid sculptures

By Damir Beciri
25 June 2009

protrude2008In one of our previous articles we started series about art and technology. We wrote about Theo Jansen and his Strandbeest. In this article we’re also going to write about kinetic sculptures, although animated in a completely different way. Human kind has ever since the ancient times used to make sculptures which cause admiration, and… »


Sifteo should enhance children education and creativity

By Damir Beciri
2 Comments18 May 2009

music-against-wood-320x213.jpgImagine overturning a container of nuts and bolts, then looking through the resulting pile for a particular item or spreading photographs out on a tabletop and then beginning to sort them into piles. The Nintendo Wii remote control and Microsoft’s Surface multi-touch display have begun to change the way we interact with computers, but even… »