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Articles tagged with: ‘carbon nanotubes‘


Graphene ‘onion rings’ – creating graphene nanoribbons atom by atom

By Damir Beciri
20 July 2013

onion-carbon-nanoribbons-1Experiments at Rice University meant to reveal how graphene grows under high pressure and in a hydrogen-rich environment resulted up with development of concentric hexagons of graphene. The process represents the first time anyone has synthesized graphene nanoribbons atom by atom on metal. Once perfected, the approach could lead to breakthroughs in electronics lithium ion… »


Using paper to generate electrically conducting structures

By Damir Beciri
16 May 2013

paper-electronicsResearchers at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces in Potsdam-Golm have created targeted conductive structures on paper. Their method relies on conventional inkjet printer which prints a catalyst on a sheet of paper. After getting heated, the printed areas on the paper get converted into conductive graphite. Being an inexpensive, light and flexible… »


Electronic read-out of quantum spin states achieved

By Damir Beciri
18 March 2013

carbon-nanotubes-and-magnetic-molecules-quantum-vibration-1Researchers of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and French colleagues from Grenoble and Strasbourg have found a way to combine carbon nanotubes and magnetic molecules on the atomic level in order to build a quantum mechanical system with novel properties. This vibrating system offers new opportunities in quantum computing by adding a vibration variable to spin… »


Plastic FIPEL lights could be the next lighting boom

By Damir Beciri
6 December 2012

fipel-nanotechResearchers at Wake Forest University have managed to achieve a significant improvement of lighting based on field-induced polymer electroluminescent (FIPEL) technology. According to its developers, FIPEL lighting provides flicker-free soft white light and it is a shatterproof alternative for large-scale lighting with double efficiency of compact fluorescent (CFL) bulbs and on par efficiency of LED… »

Bionics| Tech»

Sunflower heliotropic ability inspires passive solar tracking

By Damir Beciri
2 Comments16 August 2012

sunflowerslg005.jpgAs we reported in our article about a similar technology, sunflowers are able to slowly rotate from east to west during the course of a sunny day in order to maximize the amount of received sunlight in a process called heliotropism. Researchers from University of Wisconsin-Madison found a way to create their version of a… »


Paper-based wireless sensor can detect explosive devices

By Damir Beciri
29 October 2011

cnt-paper-explosives-sensor-1Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology have developed a prototype wireless sensor capable of detecting trace amounts of a key ingredient found in many explosives. The device employs carbon nanotubes printed on paper or paper-like material by using standard inkjet technology, and it could be deployed in large numbers to alert authorities to the… »


Transparent stretchable sensor used to create touch-sensitive artificial skin

By Damir Beciri
One Comment25 October 2011

stretchy-transparent-force-detection-materialStanford researchers have developed a stretchable, transparent skin-like sensor that can be stretched to more than twice of its original length and return to its original shape. It can sense pressure from a firm pinch to thousands of pounds. The sensor could be used in used in medicine as pressure-sensitive bandages or sensors on prosthetic… »


Researchers developing a tougher and lighter wind turbine blade

By Damir Beciri
One Comment3 September 2011

wind turbineA Case Western Reserve University researcher has built a prototype blade that is substantially lighter and more durable compared to materials currently used in blades of wind turbines. He came up with a polyurethane blade reinforced with carbon nanotubes, which make the material eight times tougher compared to other materials which are currently used as… »