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Articles tagged with: ‘georgia tech‘


Creating Mini Mona Lisa image with 30 microns in width

By Maja Bosanac
7 August 2013

gtech-mini-lisa-curtisA team of researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) has recreated the Mona Lisa, one of the most famous paintings, on the smallest canvas. They painted the “Mini Lisa” on a substrate surface which measures just 30 microns in width or one-third the width of a human hair. The team was able… »

Bionics| Robotics»

Fire ants inspire principles of underground locomotion

By Damir Beciri
2 June 2013

fire-ants-1Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) researchers studied fire ants to uncover fundamental principles of locomotion that could be applied on teams of robots which travel through underground tunnels. Among the study’s findings, the researchers were surprised by the first observation that ants in confined spaces use their antennae for locomotion as well as for… »


Piezoelectric “taxels” enable human-like tactile sensing

By Damir Beciri
1 May 2013

piezotronic-transistors-1Researchers at Georgia Insittute of Technology (Georgia Tech) developed arrays piezotronic transistors capable to convert mechanical motion into electronic signals. Named “taxels”, these touch-sensitive transistors could provide significant improvements in resolution, sensitivity and functionality for tactile sensing. The arrays could aid in robotics as tactile sensors, provide better security in handwritten signatures and offer new… »


FlipperBot robot locomotion inspired by sea turtle hatchlings

By Damir Beciri
27 April 2013

sea-turtleCollaboration in an interdisciplinary team of researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech), Northwestern University and Temple University led to development of a robot inspired by sea turtle hatchlings. Named FlipperBot, the robot is being developed for better understanding of principles that govern movement using flippers – thus leading to more efficient robots that… »

Bionics| Tech»

Mobile Music Touch glove aids in touch sensation recovery

By Damir Beciri
4 Comments20 July 2012

mobile-music-touch-gloveAfter a year of sustained injury or illness, most of the individuals with limited feeling or movement in their hands due to quadriplegia see very little improvement in recovery for the remainder of their lives. Georgia Tech researchers have created Mobile Music Touch (MMT) – a wireless, musical glove that may improve sensation and motor… »

Gadgets| Robotics»

Musical robot companion Shimi is more than a docking system

By Damir Beciri
One Comment29 June 2012

tovbot-shimiGeorgia Tech’s Center for Music Technology developed a robot whose role is to be a musical companion. Named Shimi, the robotic musical companion is able to recommend songs, dance to the beat, and even create new, unique musical compositions. Instead being just a docking station, the robot increases interactivity and various features which can be… »


Automated system able to detect cracks in pavement and seal them

By Damir Beciri
One Comment18 June 2012

gtri-road-crack-filling-systemResearchers from Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) recently published new results from a project started back in 2003. They developed a prototype of an automated system able to detect cracks in pavement and seal them. The system is able to detect cracks smaller than 3 mm (one-eighth-inch) wide and efficiently fill cracks from a vehicle… »

Bionics| Robotics»

Scalybot 2 movement inspired by snake rectilinear locomotion

By Damir Beciri
21 January 2012

scalybot-2All-terrain robots for search-and-rescue missions must be flexible enough to move over uneven surfaces, and be able to squeeze themselves into tight spaces. Many engineers and researchers have been inspired by nature’s way to solve this problem and the develop snake like robots that could be up to the challenge. Georgia Tech researchers have designed… »