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Articles tagged with: ‘glass surface‘


SONTE Film – digital shade for your home and office

By Damir Beciri
17 June 2013

sonte-film-compareYou’ve seen it in sci-fi movies, as well as in some fancy offices and bars, but dimming windows with a flip of a switch has been kept away from most of us. SONTE Film is the first ever Wi-Fi enabled digital shade that instantly switches windows from opaque to clear in less than a second…. »

Bionics| Tech»

Nature inspires a new multifunctional glass surface

By Damir Beciri
28 April 2012

mit-multifunctional-glass-1Inspired by nature, where textured surfaces ranging from lotus leaves to desert-beetle carapaces and moth eyes have developed in ways that often fulfill multiple purposes at once, a group of researchers from MIT developed a glass that is self-cleaning, virtually eliminates reflections, and resists fogging and glare. These features could lower the maintenance expenses for… »

Gadgets| Tech»

Logitech mice work where others currently fail

By Damir Beciri
22 August 2009

logitech_anywhere_mx1Logitech research showed that 40 percent of people have a glass surface in their home. This coupled with the increase in the popularity of laptop computers, means that people are moving around and coming into contact with a multitude of surfaces – like granite and lacquered wood – that challenge the tracking capabilities of standard… »