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Articles tagged with: ‘infrared camera‘

Gadgets| Tech»

Mouseless – an invisible computer mouse

By Damir Beciri
2 Comments10 July 2010

mouseless-1Pranav Mistry, Liyan Chang, and Pattie Maes, from the Fluid Interfaces Group at the MIT Media Lab, were interested in removing the requirement for a physical mouse, while still allowing computer users to interact with their computers in a way with which they are familiar with. They developed an “invisible mouse” and named it Mouseless…. »

Robotics| Tech»

Robot equipped with LIDAR and IR camera takes 3-D images

By Damir Beciri
1 March 2010

maerz-robotAlthough we already mentioned the potential of such technology in 3D photography, the researchers at Missouri University of Science and Technology and the University of Missouri-Columbia partner developed a remote-controlled robot that is equipped with an infrared camera and LIDAR technology capable of providing detailed images of room interiors even when peering through a window…. »