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Articles tagged with: ‘yale‘


New type of solder material eliminates usage of toxic lead

By Damir Beciri
2 Comments15 March 2010

solderingYale University scientists have developed a magnetic solder that can be manipulated in three dimensions and selectively heated, and offers a more environmentally friendly alternative to today’s lead-based solders. It resembles the liquid metal robot from movie Terminator 2 and you can shape it and make it flow by using a magnetic field. Once the… »

Architecture| Tech»

Green architecture – Kroon Hall, Yale University

By Damir Beciri
5 February 2010

kroon-hall-1The new home of the School of Forestry & Environmental Studies on Science Hill, Yale, was awarded with LEED Platinum certification. Designed by Hopkins Architects and Planners, in collaboration with Centerbrook Architects and Atelier Ten Environmental Designers, Kroon Hall incorporates a wide range of sustainable strategies and design features reflected in its maximum LEED rating…. »